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This sketch reads a list of prime numbers from a file and outputs them in order on a circular grid with a selectable number of rows and columns. Preceding clockwise around the circle a MIDI note is played for each prime number with pitch corresponding to the number's row.

Press the number for the MIDI output you want to use to start the sketch.

Interaction: Keyboard.
m: Change view mode.
[: Increase rate.
]: Decrease rate.
SpaceBar: Play/Pause.
While Paused:
+/=: Increase rows.
-: Decrease rows.
Backspace/Delete: Clear any entered column digits.
0-9: Press three digits then enter to set number of columns. For example: 0 5 7 Enter for 57.

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Source code: primeMusic
Built with Processing



This site is a showcase of experimental work done in the pursuit of software and design literacy. All original work is by me, Rick Brauer. An effort has been made to make the site cross browser compatible and valid. It seems to look and act nearly the same in the browsers I've tested it in (IE6, IE7, FF2, FF3) and it's nearly valid. If you have any problems or suggestions don't hesitate to contact me. Web development was done with JEdit, some notepad, and EasyPHP. You can view the source of the site with embedded CSS and PHP. The site is hosted at http://studentpages.scad.edu/~rbraue20/. I hope to get the domain pointed at an IP address at some point instead of using GoDaddy's masking which uses an iframe.

Processing is a Java framework geared toward artistic people and beginning programmers. Until further notice, all the Processing sketches on this site were developed and tested on a system with a single AMD Opteron 240 (1.4Ghz) with 512Mb of RAM AMD Phenom 965 and 4Gs of DDR3.

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Collaboration? Commission? Job Offer? Contact me at r6753.com@gmail.com for any reason.
